
Dispute Resolution

Dispute processes, those that initiate disputes and those that operate to resolve them, are cultural processes. These must be analyzed and understood within the social and cultural context of a community rather than as a matter of individuals’ rights and wrongs according to a logical political system of standardized jurisprudence. The anthropological study of dispute

Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation

Conflict resolution/peer mediation is a process in which student peer mediators, often recruited from among interested students and trained by trained school staff, use a step-by-step model to help peers negotiate the resolution of conflicts while respecting each disputant’s needs. The use of peer mediation as a conflict resolution approach has expanded as schools have

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution, in general, deals with ways of eliminating, terminating, or settling all kinds of conflict. Conflict can be broadly defined as a state of opposition, incompatibility, contradiction, or disharmony of statements, beliefs, goals, interests, or values among or within individual or collective actors, and the observable processes of dealing with these differences. The notion

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution Definition Social conflict emerges when the aspirations, beliefs, or values held by one individual or group are frustrated by another individual or group. It emerges between parents and their children, between friends on a weekend outing, between colleagues at work, between groups from adjacent neighborhoods, or between rivaling teams within an organization. In

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