
Rogers Criminal Responsibility Assessment Scales (R-CRAS)

The Rogers Criminal Responsibility Assessment Scales (R-CRAS) is a structured decision model for quantifying relevant psychological variables that are salient for the retrospective evaluation of insanity. The R-CRAS was validated to address specifically the American Law Institute (ALI) insanity standard that requires an assessment of a defendant’s cognitive and volitional impairment at the time of

Everett Rogers

When Everett M. Rogers passed away on October 21, 2004, his ashes were returned to the family’s Pinehurst Farm in Carroll, Iowa, where he was born on March 6, 1931. In a career spanning 47 years, he wrote 36 books, some 325 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, and over 100 research reports. His prolific

Carl Rogers

Carl Ransom Rogers developed a robust humanistic psychological theory and therapy that established him as a preeminent exponent of and eloquent spokesperson for psychology’s third force (humanism). In doing so he transformed the ways in which the counseling process is conceptualized and conducted. He embarked upon an ambitious experimental campaign to subject his theoretical and

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