
Samuel H. Osipow Biography

Samuel H. Osipow is one the pioneers of vocational psychology in the United States. Graduating with a Ph.D. from Syracuse University in 1959, Osipow worked for 6 years as a counseling psychologist at Pennsylvania State University before taking a faculty position in the Psychology Department at Ohio State University. He spent the bulk of his

Samuel P. Huntington

Samuel P. Huntington is one of the most talked-about and controversial political scientists in the world today. Huntington asks the question, “Who are we?” of Americans, contrasting many different cultures to our own. Instead of a unipolar world in which America is the lone superpower, he sees humanity instead more accurately organized into nine major

Samuel Osipow

Samuel H. Osipow is one the pioneers of vocational psychology in the United States. Graduating with a Ph.D. from Syracuse University in 1959, Osipow worked for 6 years as a counseling psychologist at Pennsylvania State University before taking a faculty position in the Psychology Department at Ohio State University. He spent the bulk of his

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