
Self-Handicapping Psychology – Sport Psychology – Lifestyle

Self-handicapping   is   a   future-oriented,   self-protection  strategy  used  to  (a)  maintain  personal perceptions  of  competence,  control,  self-worth, and self-esteem and/or (b) protect or enhance one’s public image in the eyes of coactors or observers. It consists of thoughts, statements, and behaviors that  take  place  in  advance  of  performance,  and that  increase  the  likelihood  of  situational  factors


Self-Handicapping Definition Self-handicapping was first defined in 1978 by Steven Berglas and Edward Jones as “any action or choice of performance setting that enhances the opportunity to externalize (or excuse) failure and to internalize (reasonably accept credit for) success.” Self-handicapping involves putting a barrier or handicap in the way of one’s own success. If one

Self-Handicapping Psychology

Self-handicapping   is   a   future-oriented,   self-protection  strategy  used  to  (a)  maintain  personal perceptions  of  competence,  control,  self-worth, and self-esteem and/or (b) protect or enhance one’s public image in the eyes of coactors or observers. It consists of thoughts, statements, and behaviors that  take  place  in  advance  of  performance,  and that  increase  the  likelihood  of  situational  factors

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