
Self-Report Measures of Psychopathy

The use of self-report measures to assess psychopathic personality or psychopathy (i.e., a constellation of personality traits and behaviors encompassing guiltlessness, superficial charm, grandiosity, callousness, poor impulse control, and manipulativeness) has been fraught with controversy. Until approximately the 1990s, the overwhelming majority of psychopathy research was conducted in forensic and clinical settings. Since the 1990s

Self-Report Psychopathy (SRP)

The Self-Report Psychopathy (SRP) scale was designed by Robert D. Hare as a self-report version of his Psychopathy Checklist (PCL) and its revision (PCL-R). Originally created using correctional and forensic populations, the PCL-R is a 20-item construct rating scale that conceptualizes psychopathy as a superordinate dimensional construct composed of four correlated factors: interpersonal (glibness/superficial charm

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