
Healthy Diet for September 6 – Rice – Always Nice ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Do you toss “factoids” into party talk? Here’s one for National Rice Month: the world grows more than 40,000 types of rice and about 1.3 trillion pounds of rice annually—a lot of rice! Store shelves may display more than traditional white rice: arborio (short-grain for risotto); aromatic, often nutty-flavored rices (Basmati, Black Japonica, jasmine, Texmati

Healthy Diet for September 8 – Tailgating 101 ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Summer’s on the wane. Soon cool, crisp autumn air and a colorful landscape add seasonal lair to tailgate parties at parking lots, fields, and roadsides. This season make yours . . . Safe. Even with a chill in the air, remember picnic food safety. Keep perishables in a clean, well-chilled cooler until mealtime, and during

Healthy Diet for September 9 – Cooks on the Move ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Ever think of cooking as an active sport? TV chefs are in constant motion: chopping, stirring, whisking, scrubbing, lifting—physically multitasking! Join the kitchen team whenever you can. It takes more muscle, more motion, and more energy to prepare food from scratch than to simply pop a prepared meal into the microwave oven. Join in some

Healthy Diet for September 11 – Bag It! ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Imagine your alarm goes off. You stretch, then race to get ready for the day. How will you pack your family’s lunches? During back-to-school, back-to-work season, get creative with healthful pack-and-go lunches. Hand-y. Finger foods are easy to eat: sandwiches, wraps, pita pockets. Go beyond sandwiches: soft pretzels, string cheese, or hummus with veggie sticks.

Healthy Diet for September 12 – Make Room for Mushrooms ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Shiitake, crimini, portabella, enoki, oyster, morels, wood ears, or white—whether tossed in a salad, arranged on a pizza or polenta, added to a stir-fry, or stirred into pasta, stew, or soup, mushrooms add earthy flavors. Nutritionally, mushrooms are low in calories, cholesterol-free, and essentially fat- and sodium-free. They provide many B vitamins; potassium, which promotes

Healthy Diet for September 1 – Protein Mania? ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Need more protein, less carbohydrate for weight control? More likely, you need fewer calories in (from food) and more calories out (from active living). Consider: Quick weight loss from high-protein eating often comes from water loss. Possible side effects are dehydration, constipation, and strain on the kidneys. High-carb foods in a varied meal won’t make

Healthy Diet for September 2 – Energy – Worth Saving? ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Leaf blowers and self-cleaning ovens, garage door openers and car washes. Just think of all the labor-saving devices that make your life easier—and more sedentary than ever! By spending these “labor savings” on walking, bike riding, or other physical activities, you could burn that same amount of energy (calories) you saved and net out even.

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