
Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R)

The Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R) is a risk assessment instrument designed to identify adult offenders’ likelihood of reoffending and is widely used in corrections. The instrument has been built on extensive empirical evidence about offender risk factors and pilot-tested extensively prior to its formal release. The LSI-R is part of a new, third generation

Level of Service Inventory-Self-Report (LSI-SR)

The Level of Service Inventory-Self-Report (LSISR) is a pencil-and-paper, self-report version of the LSI (i.e., a risk assessment instrument that was designed to identify adult offenders’ likelihood of reoffending) and its subsequently published version, the LSI-R. Originally known simply as the Self-Report Inventory and sometimes referred to as the LSI-R:SR, the LSI-SR was developed by

Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI)

The Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) is one of the Level of Service Inventory (LSI) instruments. It is an example of a fourth generation offender risk/need assessment scale and is distinguished from previous generation instruments by the fact that it was not only designed to predict offender recidivism but also includes a built-in case

Public Service Broadcasting

Public service broadcasting (PSB) is funded by the public, and regulated to ensure that it serves the public interest. Public service broadcasters (PSBs) should be distinguished from state broadcasters, which function mainly to serve the interests of the government, and purely commercial broadcasters, which respond primarily to individual consumer choices rather than to any notion

Restaurant and Food Service Manager Career

Restaurant and food service managers are responsible for the overall operation of businesses that serve food. Food service work includes the purchasing of a variety of food, selection of the menu, preparation of the food, and, most importantly, maintenance of health and sanitation levels. It is the responsibility of managers to oversee staffing for each

Secret Service Special Agent Career

Secret Service special agents are employed by the U.S. Secret Service, part of the Department of Homeland Security. Secret Service agents work to protect the president and other political leaders of the United States, as well as heads of foreign states or governments when they are visiting the United States. Special agents also investigate financial

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