
Sibling Interaction

Sibling relationships can be important and influential throughout the lifespan. During childhood, siblings can influence both personality development and behavior. In adulthood, siblings can be an important source of friendship, support, and information. In old age, siblings are often an important source of both emotional and tangible support. Although much is known about the effects

Sibling Abuse

Sibling abuse is one of the more controversial areas of domestic violence. It is also one of the more common forms of domestic violence. Despite this commonality, there is very little research being conducted into the dynamics of sibling abuse. Additionally, parents tend to minimize such conduct when they become aware of it. While no

Sibling Relationships During Old Age

A growing interest in old siblings reflects the potential increase in their importance at a time when union dissolution is high and birth rates low. For many subjects, a definition merely begins the story. In the case of older siblings, defining the term and exploring different types of sibship remain compelling research challenges. Traditional definitions

Sibling Ties

Sibling ties are some of the most widespread and enduring intimate relationships. Located at the border of kinship and friendship, the sociology of siblings largely centers on childhood and old age, rivalry and social support. The role of sib ling ties at other stages of the life course – youth and adulthood – and in

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