
Sudanese Society

Sudan is an ancient African nation; early Stone Age or Paleolithic sites suggest dates as early as 250,000 BCE. The states of Nobatia, Mukuria, and Alwa adopted Christianity for centuries until they converted to Islam in 1315. Today, Sudanese society is multi-ethnic and multi-religious. The medieval Funj Muslim kingdoms of the Blue Nile might well

Mediatization of Society

From a very general point of view, “mediatization of society” is a concept that indicates the extension of the influence of the media (considered both as a cultural technology and as an organization) into all spheres of society and social life. In this broad sense, the way the media influence social life is linked to

Law and Society

Law and society designates a three-way concern with the nature of law, society, and the relation between them. Two main approaches have been important: one ultimately rooted in the law and legal theory of the Roman Republic and the other ultimately rooted in the law and legal theory of the Roman Empire. This entry describes

Education in Society

Changes in developed economies and societies stemming from the Industrial Revolution have shifted responsibilities for the education of young people from the family and community to schools. Schools are now a major institution, educating the vast majority of children and youth in the developed world and functioning as a primary engine of change in developing

Information Society

The designation “information society” presupposes that information plays a defining role in the way we live today. For many commentators it is because information is more pervasive than hitherto that it is appropriate to characterize the present as self-evidently an information society. There is obviously more media output, more education available, more information and communications

Law and Society

The concepts of law and society refer to macrostructural phenomena. Is there a macro-oriented theory of law and society or a macro sociolegal theory to guide this field? As an interdisciplinary endeavor, the sociology of law relies upon, or is influenced by, the intellectual assumptions and propositions of general sociology and legal theory. This article

Society and Biology

Society and biology is one of the new transdisciplinary fields of sociology that emerged in the 1990s. Owing to its strong links with genetic research, medicine, health, agriculture, environment, and science and technology, it has developed a number of important research centers, such as Bios (Center for the Study of Bioscience, Biomedicine, Biotechnology, and Society)

Plural Society

Many of the societies which have problems of multicultural governance are former multi ethnic colonies. A theory of such colonial and postcolonial societies draws particularly on the work of J. S. Furnivall and M. G. Smith. According to Furnivall, different ethnic groups in a plural society meet only in the marketplace. This marketplace, however, lacks

Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues

The American Psychological Association (APA) is organized with divisions that focus on specialty and interest areas within psychology. As one of the 56 divisions of APA to date, the Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (also known as Division 45) has its own governance structure elected by its members. The Society for

Society for Vocational Psychology

The Society for Vocational Psychology is a professional organization that has as its purpose to encourage, promote, and facilitate contributions to research, teaching, practice, and public interest in vocational psychology and career intervention. The society is one of several interest groups within the Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17) of the American Psychological Association. Society

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