
Sport Motivation ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Understanding and enhancing motivation is one of the most popular  areas  of  research  in  psychology,  as  well  as  sport and exercise psychology. In psychology and sport psychology, this research has primarily addressed the role of motivation   in   individual   lives,   especially   when   addressing motivation in achievement contexts. Motivation has usually  taken  the  form  of  managing  the 

Sport Leadership ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

An  athlete  leader  in  sport  is  defined  as  an  individual who holds a formal or informal leadership role  within  a  team  and  influences  other  group members  in  the  pursuit  of  common  objectives. Researchers suggest that approximately one quarter of athletes occupy some form of leadership role within a team, and highlight the potential importance of

Resilience in Sport ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Most  athletes  will  encounter  one  or  more  major setbacks or adversities during their sporting career. An  elite  athlete  may,  for  example,  experience  a career-threatening injury, garner demotion from a top-tier team because of poor performance, or need to relocate to another country to continue competing in their sport. Despite the potential for setbacks and adversities

Sex Differences and Sport ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Sex  differences  are  often  referred  to  interchangeably  as  gender  differences,  often  to  offset  taboos associated with the word sex. Use of the word gender originated as a social construct to include biological sex, social roles, and gender identity and is conventionally used in biological delineations. The significance  of  physical  differences  between  and within sexes lies

Brain in Sport ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Neural  plasticity  is  the  mechanism  by  which  the brain  encodes  experience  and  learns  new  skills, behaviors, and habits in daily life and on the athletic field. Brain cells called neurons form a communication network that serves as the foundation of information processing in the brain. The neural network  of  the  brain  holds  the  capacity  to 

Burnout in Sport ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Modern  sport  culture  is  replete  with  qualities thought to make burnout prevalent, including high training  volumes  and  competitive  demands,  near year-round  training,  and  in  some  sports,  specialization at young ages. Given this sport landscape and the concerns raised by sport scientists and others involved in the sport community (coaches and administrators), the importance of athlete

Mentoring in Sport ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Mentoring is a process in which a mentor, who is typically more experienced or older, helps a mentee  or  protégé  grow  and  develop  in  some  way. As such, a mentor may be thought of as a guide, tutor,  counselor,  or  adviser.  In  sport  and  exercise psychology (SEP), mentoring is commonly thought of in terms of

Relaxation in Sport ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Relaxation  has  been  defined  as  a  psychological strategy used by sports performers to help manage or reduce stress-related emotions (e.g., anxiety and anger) and physical symptoms (e.g., physical tension  and  increased  heart  rate  [HR])  during  high pressurized  situations.  Several  different  types  of physical  and  mental  relaxation  strategies  will  be discussed in this entry, all of

Neurofeedback in Sport ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

In  recent  years,  there  has  been  an  increase  in research  and  practical  applications  concerning the use of biofeedback training for athletic performance  enhancement.  It  is  important  to  be  aware that the terms biofeedback and biofeedback training  are  not  identical,  and  therefore  need  to  be defined separately. Biofeedback (BFB) is the output from  an  electronic  device 

Rest in Sport ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Rest  is  the  cessation  of  activity.  Rest  is  of  interest  within  sport  and  exercise  psychology  because performance  and  learning  in  sport  and  exercise domains are affected positively by appropriate use of rest and negatively by inappropriate use of rest. The specific effects of rest depend on the length of the rest period and the length and

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