
Standardized Tests

Standardized tests are tests that are administered under controlled (or “standardized”) conditions – specifying where, when, how, and for how long test takers may respond to questions. The test questions provide a way to gather, describe, and quantify information that assesses performance on particular tasks to demonstrate knowledge of specific topics or processes. Standardization is

Standardized Interview

Quantitative surveys are usually comprised of standardized interviews that are conducted using a questionnaire. The term “standardization” describes the predetermination of the course of the interviews. In a fully standardized questionnaire each respondent is presented with the same stimulus, i.e., an equal question. Therefore, the reaction (i.e., the answer) is comparable to that of another

Standardized Testing

Since the early 20th century, the United States has been the foremost developer and consumer of testing technology in the world. Tests have been used widely by the U.S. military, government and civilian employers, and educational institutions to improve selection, placement, and promotion decisions. However, the pervasiveness of testing in American life, starting as early

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