
Statistical Information Impact on Juries

Statistical information is increasingly likely to be presented in court. It may appear in civil cases (e.g., percentages of men and women employees in a gender discrimination case) or criminal cases (e.g., the defendant’s blood type matches that of a sample found at the crime scene and that blood type is found in only 20%

Statistical Information on Recidivism (SIR)

The Statistical Information on Recidivism (SIR) Scale is a static actuarial risk assessment tool developed and employed within the Correctional Service of Canada for the assessment of risk of general recidivism with adult male federal offenders (serving sentences of a minimum 2-year duration). This article discusses the development, applications, and validation research of the SIR

Statistical Issues in Economic Evaluations – Health Economics – iResearchNet

Introduction As health economic evaluation has become increasingly popular, so it has become much more common that individual patient data are collected alongside clinical trials. This has opened up the possibility of using statistical methods to analyze health economic data with the purposes of informing health economic evaluation. In this article, statistical methods for analyzing

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, is an official classification system of mental disorders used in the United States and by many health professionals around the world. Published by the American Psychiatric Association, the DSM is an evolving text that is periodically revised to reflect the most contemporary knowledge regarding psychological

Statistical Power

Statistical power (SP) refers to the probability of rejecting a null hypothesis (a hypothesis of no difference) when it is actually false. When an organizational researcher retains (fails to reject) a false null hypothesis, he or she is likely to conclude, for example, that the organizational intervention did not positively affect productivity or that a

Statistical Information Impact

Statistical information is increasingly likely to be presented in court. It may appear in civil cases (e.g., percentages of men and women employees in a gender discrimination case) or criminal cases (e.g., the defendant’s blood type matches that of a sample found at the crime scene and that blood type is found in only 20%

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Use And Application The DSM establishes diagnoses along five axes. These axes are as follows: Axis I: Clinical disorders Axis II: Personality disorders and mental retardation Axis III: General medical conditions Axis IV: Psychosocial environmental problems (rated with descriptive categories, such as economic problems associated with job loss) Axis V: Global assessment of functioning (rated

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