
Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

Organizational strategy refers to the overall positioning and competitive approach of an organization in the marketplace. Strategic management is the deliberate effort to align the organization’s long-term direction with organizational strategy. Good strategic management integrates organizational functions into a strategic plan so that all organizational units operate in a coordinated fashion in support of the

Strategic Planning in Policing

There is a growing and rather extensive literature on strategic planning. For example, the Learning Resource Center at the FBI Training Academy has compiled a ten-page bibliography on strategic planning. This bibliography lists items available at the FBI Academy Library. Melcher and Kerzner (1988,20), tracing the evolution of strategic planning theory, write that the first interest

Technology and Strategic Planning in Policing

Every criminal justice organization needs to occasionally examine its core values and evaluate the process by which it provides the advertised goods and services. Strategic planning provides the tools and steps required to examine the efficiency of an agency’s product delivery systems. Both public and private agencies have an obligation to their service population, and without

Strategic Framing

Framing is a rhetorical tool used by communicators to delimit the scope of a situation or argument. Although it is “media framing” that has received extensive attention since the late 1970s, the framing construct is employed to understand communication in a wide range of disciplines, including speech, organizational behavioral, economics, political science, psychology, and sociology.

Strategic Decisions

Theoretical and empirical studies of decision making pervade organization theory. They have done so for over six decades. James March and Herbert Simon suggested in 1958 that managing organizations and decision making were virtually synonymous. From this broad perspective, decision making has maintained its centrality to the field of organization theory and is one of

Strategic Management

On being asked to define strategic management, the temptation is to respond by asking what is not strategic in management. In other words, as soon as the idea of management is addressed, it is necessary to see it as strategic, although clearly much of management is about managing organizational routines. Such a response begs the

Strategic Communication

Strategic communication is the study of how organizations or communicative entities communicate deliberately to reach set goals. Although the term “strategic communication” has been in use for years, scholars are only now fully engaged in defining the field and its theoretical influences. Traditionally communication in its organizational context has been studied through various disciplines academically

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a process by which organizations put business plans into action in the marketplace. This process differs from the annual planning process in which most organizations engage in that it is typically geared toward a longer-term planning horizon. Most organizations today consider the duration of a strategic plan to be anywhere from three

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