
Organizational Structure

Organizational structure is the set of formally stipulated rules and regulations that regulate and legitimate the organization’s work processes, communication, and other activities. An organization’s structure constrains interaction processes and biases the style and content of interaction; also, since organizational structure is the framework of any organization, it is the focus of discourse about organizational

Structure of Message Effect

Message effects fall into at least three categories: behavioral (actions caused by a message), cognitive (thoughts caused by a message), and emotional (feelings caused by a message). By message, we mean any kind of symbol perceived by an individual to have some sort of meaning, be it through the printed, spoken, or felt word via

Family Structure

Within any society there are more or less common ways of ‘‘doing’’ family relationships. That is, there are ways of organizing family relationships which are broadly accepted as appropriate and given legitimacy in that society. This does not mean that all family relationships are similar or that all follow the same societally imposed ‘‘rules.’’ There

Family Structure and Child Outcomes

The implications of family structure for child wellbeing have been a central topic of research for several decades. In its simplest form, it is the comparison between two parent and one parent families that is the root of concern for child wellbeing. Children who live with two married parents are defined in most government statistics

Social Structure Theories and School Violence

Social structure theories bring a sociological (rather than biological or psychological) approach to studies of crime and deviance. Instead of focusing solely or primarily on individuals, these theories seek to explain how individuals are situated within and experience larger-scale social institutions such as schools, government, the labor market, cultural industries, and the criminal justice system.

Community Structure Model

The community structure model explores links among community characteristics, media content, and effects of exposure to media content from a system perspective. Focusing on macro-constructs associated with media content and media effects, the community structure approach rejects the perspective that all studies of media and audiences can be reduced to the individual level of psychological

Organizational Structure

Organizational structure refers to the formal and informal manner in which people, job tasks, and other organizational resources are configured and coordinated. Although organizational structure sounds like a singular characteristic, it is composed of a number of dimensions, because there are multiple ways the employees within an organization and the job tasks that are carried

Knowledge Structure and Sport

Knowledge  about  tasks  and  the  environment  is organized  hierarchically  in  the  human  cognitive system,  involving  the  diverse  long-term  memory (LTM) systems and working memory. Knowledge structures  underlying  task  performance  are  fundamental  elements  of  action  control  in  sports. Experts’  skills  are  often  based  on  the  efficient access  to  relevant  task  knowledge  as  well  as  on enhanced 

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