
Crack Baby Syndrome

With the arrival of the relatively inexpensive and smokable crack form of cocaine, the rate of newborns exposed to cocaine in utero rose dramatically in the early 1990s. In the mid-1990s it was estimated that 1.1% of pregnant women used crack cocaine. Early reports  of  neonatal  behavioral  abnormalities  led  to the label “crack baby syndrome”

Asperger Syndrome

Aspe r g e r  syndrome  (AS)  is  the  term  applied  to the mildest and highest functioning end of the autistic (or pervasive developmental disorder [PDD]) spectrum, which ranges from AS to classic autism. People with AS typically display impairments in three areas: social difficulties (i.e., reading social cues, social awkwardness, and poor social skills)

Underrecovery Syndrome

In sports, optimal performance is only achievable if athletes recover after competition. Recovery and intense exercise must also be balanced with everyday life. Additionally, sufficient physiological and psychological recovery protects against overtraining.  However,  it  is  just  a  small  step  from  regular daily  practice  to  a  high  frequency  of  demanding events, which complicates the process of

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