
Glossary of Tantra Yoga ⋆ Tantra Yoga ⋆ Lifestyle

ADHIKARA – A disciple’s competency or moral fitness to practice the secret ritual. AGAMAS – Sacred Tantrik scripture dealing with rites, dharma, and cosmology. AJAPA MANTRA – The involuntary prayer, “Hang-sah, Hangsah,” made by incoming and outgoing breath. It corresponds to the cosmic creative process by which the entire universe is breathed forth at intervals

Hidden Power of Sound in Tantra Yoga ⋆ Tantra Yoga ⋆ Lifestyle

“The merging of mind is achieved by listening to inner sound.” – Hatha Yoga Pradipika We dwell not only in an ocean of light (color), but of sound as well. Vast tides of this vibrational energy, which Tantriks call nadam, flow around and through all things – living and non-living, visible and invisible. The Shastra

The Secret Ritual in Tantra Yoga ⋆ Tantra Yoga ⋆ Lifestyle

“The art of love is the poor man’s art, the one avenue to ecstasy opens to those who lack all other talents.” – Walter Kaufman As practiced in Tibet and India, the Panchatattva or Secret Ritual includes some features not easily adaptable to Western life. To begin with, there is the question of the shakti

The Five True Things in Tantra Yoga ⋆ Tantra Yoga ⋆ Lifestyle

“O mistress of Kula! in Kuladharma enjoyment becomes complete yoga; bad deeds are made good deeds, and the world becomes the seat of Liberation.” –  Kularnava Tantra Opponents of Tantra – and they are many – almost always base their denunciation solely upon the fact that the system includes ritual drinking and sexual rites. Censure of

Fragrance of Being in Tantra Yoga ⋆ Tantra Yoga ⋆ Lifestyle

“The Seal of Musk: for this let those pant who pant for bliss.” – The Koran From the dust of the earth to the spirit of man that inhabits it, there is nothing completely odorless in creation. Each of us exudes his own individual scent, which dogs, mystics and ordinary persons endowed with a keen

The Subtle Embrace in Tantra Yoga ⋆ Tantra Yoga ⋆ Lifestyle

 “Pierced at a distance by the thorn of sanyama, thE virgin yields her essence which, like moonlight, soothes those burned by the three-tongued flame of misery.” – Fragment of a Lost Tantra It is a common boast among Tantriks of certain Kaula sects that they enjoy the desired fruit of maithuna without any physical contact

The Well-Spring of Youth in Tantra Yoga ⋆ Tantra Yoga ⋆ Lifestyle

“How long does youth endure? So long as we are loved.” – Golden Book of Diana Western students invariably ask: will the practice of Tantrik sadhana help me to stay young? What kind of diet does the Shastra prescribe? Are there disciplines that can be used to cure illness? Such queries reflect the dominant preoccupation

The Magic Mirrors in Tantra Yoga ⋆ Tantra Yoga ⋆ Lifestyle

“All creation – gods, demons, universes – is the expansion of the Creator’s thought into form. The nucleus of this is the substance of his mind. The power of projection is his will.” That portion of Tantrism presented in the foregoing articles constitutes a methodology capable of universal application. There is, however, another aspect of

The Law Of Return and Tantra Yoga ⋆ Tantra Yoga ⋆ Lifestyle

“As a goldsmith, taking a piece of gold, turns it into another, newer and more beautiful shape, even so does the self, after having thrown away this body and dispelled its ignorance, make unto himself another …” –   Brihad-aranyaka Upanishad The doctrine of rebirth, commonly called reincarnation, is no longer the prodigy it once was

Tantra Yoga Practice ⋆ Tantra Yoga ⋆ Lifestyle

The safe and successful practice of Tantrism requires a carefully laid yogic foundation. Without such preparation, gurus warn that certain dangers may lurk along the way for the unwary. At best, they say, the sadhana will not bear fruit. This is especially true as regards the central discipline of Shaktism, the Panchatattva or Secret Ritual.

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