
Tourism Industry

The term “tourism industry” covers a wide range of services, activities, and commodities, bound together in a complex network of relationships that involves the temporary migration of people for leisure purposes. There has always been an element of the global within tourism. Since the first worldwide figures were gathered in the early 1950s, tourism has

Travel and Tourism Career Field

Travel and Tourism Careers Background People have always traveled. In ancient times, people moved from area to area to search for food or better living conditions. When the Roman Empire was at the peak of its power in AD 100, it built the first great system of roads (29 highways in all) connecting Rome to

Hospitality and Tourism Career Cluster

The hospitality and tourism industry provides accommodations, meals, and personal services for both the traveling public and permanent residents. The range of employment opportunities in the industry is vast. All positions, from bellhops to executive chefs to amusement park workers, share the same goal: serving the public. This cluster includes not only those careers that

Cultural Tourism

Cultural tourism could be defined as tourism that focuses on cultural attractions and activities as a primary motivating factor for travel. Notwithstanding the broad definitions of culture that abound within postmodern and populist writings, parameters need to be drawn around what is defined as ‘‘culture’’ in this context. It is therefore useful to break the

Medical Tourism – Health Economics – iResearchNet

The notion of traveling abroad for the purposes of health and well-being is well established. The spas of Hungary, baths of Turkey, and geysers of Sweden have long been popular destinations for those seeking convalescence. Where surgical care was required, the direction of travel generally saw the wealthy citizens of poorer nations traveling to the

Tourism and Popular Culture

Tourism is now the largest industry in the world, and as such, it has increasingly become of interest to scholars in a number of academic disciplines, such as anthropology, sociology, psychology, semiotics, communication and arketing. It is also the subject of analyses using interdisciplinary approaches, such as leisure studies, feminist studies, and cultural studies. Tourism

Urban Tourism

Urban tourism refers to the consumption of city spectacles (such as architecture, monuments, and parks) and cultural amenities (such as museums, restaurants, and performances) by visitors. Studying urban tourism requires taking seriously leisure activities and transient populations, features of the city that much of past urban theory declines to address. However, a number of developments

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