
Transformational Linguistics

Transformation grammar is a way of viewing syntax first proposed in 1957 by Noam Chomsky, the most influential linguist of the 20th century. It is hard to overestimate the impact this new theory had on all of the social sciences; within a few years, it had replaced the prevailing paradigm of structuralism in linguistics and

Transformational Parenting ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Just as businesses and organizations require effective  leadership  behaviors  in  order  to  grow  and develop successfully, it has been suggested that the same  is  required  within  families  in  order  to  foster  a  family  climate  that  promotes  healthy  child development.  Although  a  range  of  predictors  are associated with child and adolescent health, arguably  the  family  (and 

Transactional And Transformational in Sport Leadership ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Over  the  past  25  years,  there  has  been  considerable interest in the application of the transactional and   transformational   leadership   paradigm   to understanding  the  effects  of  leadership  behaviors in relation to various psychological (e.g., motivation,  self-confidence)  and  behavioral  (e.g.,  individual  and  team  performance)  outcomes  among those being led. Originally conceived within political  and  organizational  settings,  the 

Transactional And Transformational in Sport Leadership

Over  the  past  25  years,  there  has  been  considerable interest in the application of the transactional and   transformational   leadership   paradigm   to understanding  the  effects  of  leadership  behaviors in relation to various psychological (e.g., motivation,  self-confidence)  and  behavioral  (e.g.,  individual  and  team  performance)  outcomes  among those being led. Originally conceived within political  and  organizational  settings,  the 

Transformational and Transactional Leadership

Transformational leadership is a form of influence based on a developmental relationship that elevates others to higher levels of moral and professional development, promotes adaptability and change, and results in performance beyond expectations. Transactional leadership is a form of influence based on an exchange relationship in which the leader provides direction and rewards in exchange

Transformational Parenting

Just as businesses and organizations require effective  leadership  behaviors  in  order  to  grow  and develop successfully, it has been suggested that the same  is  required  within  families  in  order  to  foster  a  family  climate  that  promotes  healthy  child development.  Although  a  range  of  predictors  are associated with child and adolescent health, arguably  the  family  (and 

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