

A zoological garden is an establishment housing collections of both wild and domestic animals that are exhibited to the public. Zoos reflect the curiosity and intrigue of humankind toward our animal kingdom. Zoos also reflect our responsibility as a species to promote conservation through education and make an attempt to manage our globe by studying


The largest Black ethnic group in South Africa is the Zulu, whose population stands at about nine million. The Zulu have a relatively brief history as an independent group. The term Zulu refers to the Nguni speaking people in KwaZulu Natal in South Africa. The Zulu are a branch of the southern Bantu, who have


Yeti is the mysterious giant bipedal creature of the eternal snows of the Himalayas. The yeti (yeh-teh) has always been a part of the cosmology of Lamaistic Buddhist peoples of the Himalayas, who class it as not quite human yet more than human, and keep relics of it in monasteries. As early as the 1830s, “westerners”


News is a genre of mass media content resulting from journalists’ information gathering and editors’ decisions and following professional practices and norms. News is the product of teamwork in media outlets. According to functional-structural social theory, news content is information that seeks to meet social needs by observing the natural and human universe in order


The city of Troy, situated on the northwest coast of modern Turkey, occupies a special place in Western culture. The story of the sack of Troy told by Homer was considered history in antiquity, then myth, then imaginative poetry, and then history again. It provided a major theme for Western art throughout the millennia; created

Soft News

The nature of news content has changed during the past decades due to the changes in media environment. As new media such as cable television, satellite television, and the Internet have appeared, the news media market has become more competitive than ever and news contents have tended to be more audience-oriented and softer. The problem


The many differences between the ways time is understood in different cultures, as well as the ways in which such differences might affect those cultures, can be divided into three main areas: what time is, how time is experienced, and how it is measured— the metaphysics of time, the perception of time, and the metric


News is a genre of mass media content resulting from journalists’ information gathering and editors’ decisions and following professional practices and norms. News is the product of teamwork in media outlets. According to functional-structural social theory, news content is information that seeks to meet social needs by observing the natural and human universe in order

Sol Tax

Dedicating himself to the dual goals of “action anthropology” and the internationalization of anthropology, Sol Tax was instrumental in changing anthropological practice and pioneering new forums for anthropological debate. Although he published relatively little over the course of his career, Tax made significant contributions in three theoretical areas of anthropological research: acculturation, capitalism in small-scale

Bias in the News

In societies with a tradition of partisan news media, whether news organizations have a political bias in their reporting is less of a concern. In other environments where mainstream news media purport to be fair and objective, and journalists are expected to be neutral gatekeepers instead of partisan advocates, whether or not the news media

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