

The article on race in school psychology delves into the intricate dynamics of race and its profound impact on the field of school psychology. It explores how racial factors intersect with other demographic variables to shape students’ educational experiences and outcomes. This comprehensive discussion highlights the pivotal role of school psychologists in addressing racial disparities


Love Definition Love is often thought of as an intense and positive emotion that can be experienced for a variety of close others, including a romantic partner or spouse, close friends, children, parents, and other relatives. For more than three decades, social psychologists and other social scientists have been studying love. The type of love


Awe Definition Awe refers to an intense emotional response people may have when they encounter an object, event, or person that is extraordinary. Things that elicit awe are typically vast in size, significance, or both. Frequent elicitors of awe include nature, natural disasters, grand architecture and historical ruins, supernatural or spiritual experiences, scientific or technological


Envy Definition Envy refers to the often-painful emotion caused by an awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another person. It is a complex, socially repugnant emotion made up of a mix of inferiority feelings, hostility, and resentment. Envy is different from admiration, which is delight and approval inspired by another person. Admiration can foster a

What is Hope?

References to a concept of hope can be found throughout historical writings and across many different disciplines. Despite the frequency of discussions about hope, there is not one unified description or definition for the concept. Christian scholars frequently characterize hope as a virtue from God in which individuals are confident in receiving an eternal reward.


Hope Definition A typical dictionary definition of hope suggests that it reflects a goal-related expectation of success. In psychology, a definition that has gained considerable attention basically expands on this dictionary one. More specifically, hope is said to involve goal-directed thinking in which people perceive that they have the capacities to produce the routes to


The id (Latin for “that thing”) is present at birth and developmentally is the oldest of the three psychological structures proposed by Sigmund Freud as part of the mind. According to Freud, neither the ego nor the superego is active or even formed so early in the individual’s development, when the id serves as the

Free Will

Free will is a controversial idea in social psychology. Researchers have begun to talk about it and study it, including ordinary people’s beliefs about it, but there are many social psychologists who insist that all such beliefs are mistaken. As a field of scientific research, social psychology is almost certainly unable to prove whether free

Sunk Cost

Sunk Cost Definition Sunk cost refers to money, time, or effort that has already been spent on a particular endeavor and that cannot be recovered. Economic principles dictate that sunk costs should not be considered when making decisions about whether to continue one’s present course of action or to divert resources elsewhere. Such decisions rationally


Zeal Definition The term zeal came into common usage in reference to a sect of 1st-century-c.E. religious fanatics who were uncompromising in their opposition to Roman rule. Some of them carried daggers under their cloaks and killed anyone who did not fully support their views. Such extremism brought reprisals that ultimately crushed their sect. Accordingly

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