
Intimate Union Formation and Dissolution

Ten years ago studies of couple relationships emphasized marriage formation and dissolution (both separation and divorce). Marriage is still the dominant heterosexual couple relationship, but increases in rates of nonmarital cohabitation, the growing recognition of couple relationships between individuals who do not live together, sometimes called LAT (Living Apart Together) couples, and same sex unions

European Union and School Violence

School crime, bullying, and violence are major concerns and pose an increasing challenge for European Union (EU) authorities. School violence encompasses a range of actions and threats, including verbal, physical, sexual and psychological violence; social exclusion; violence relating to property; violence relating to theft; threat; insults; and rumor spreading. Considering that violence is culturally and

European Union Communication Law

The European Union (EU) is a unique supranational entity that has adopted an innovative approach to the challenges posed by its distinctive structure, by the convergence of communications technologies, and by the introduction of free market economics. In the process of transforming into a powerful union that preserves the sovereignty of its members, the EU

The Union of Opposites – Tantra Yoga – Lifestyle

“In the beginning, this world was only the Self, in the shape of a person. He looked around; he saw nothing there but himself. First of all, he cried out, “I am!” And then he became frightened; thus one is frightened when alone.” Brihad-aranyka Upanishad In attempting to present to the Western reader a clear

Union Commitment

Like many constructs in this field, union commitment was introduced with a measure of the construct. As a corollary of organizational commitment, Michael E. Gordon and colleagues (1980) defined union commitment as a member’s identification with and involvement in a particular union, and operationalized the definition in terms of three related components: A strong desire

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