
United Kingdom: Media System

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (population 58.8 million; 2001 census) dates from the treaty that ceded an independent Irish Free State in 1921. This had followed on from the 1918 general elections, the first under near-universal suffrage, which had seen a rise in support for separatists in Ireland and the youthful

United States of America: Media System

The United States of America, located in the northern hemisphere of the American continent, is a federal republic that consists of 50 states and the District of Columbia (capital: Washington). The population comprises 250.6 million people. The USA was created in 1776 out of 13 British colonies. The head of state is the president, and

United Nations and Anthropology

When the United States decided to reverse the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, it did not act unilaterally. It turned to the United Nations (UN) Security Council. When the Security Council sought to learn the extent of chemical, biological, and nuclear arms in Iraq, it did not rely on U.S. forces. It dispatched inspectors from the

United Nations Communication Policies

Although great importance is not always attached to the political, economical, social, or cultural role of communication activities, their influence on international relations certainly has not escaped the concern of the United Nations (UN). No matter what its limitations are, international law is not only formal but also symbolic. Further, it has a moral or

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is the United Nations’ only entity specifically charged with guaranteeing the rights of children and enforcing the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Created in 1946, it received its mandate from the United Nations General Assembly in 1953. It is a nonpartisan group. In 1965, UNICEF won the

Developments in the United States

At the turn of the 20th century, American psychologists remained comparatively uninterested in applying research on topics related to law. One reason was that they were just beginning to explore the broad psychological landscape and had little inclination to specialize in law-related matters. This reticence was probably also due to the influence of Wilhelm Wundt

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