
Universals in Cultures

The universals in culture, which is part of the academic field known as the humanities, cannot be defined in a simple statement. The universals are the cumulative artistic and intellectual achievements of humanity. They are a body of work created by those who have been singled out for special praise, extraordinary achievers of whom all

Universals in Language

The term language universal refers to those features or properties of language that are common to all languages. The notion that languages might share universal features creates a tension of sorts with conceptions of language, as developed by Boas and other early linguistic anthropologists, that held that languages (along with their respective cultures) were infinitely

Universals In Art

From a strict anthropological point of view, informed by the recent self-critical turn of the research, it is a debatable issue whether we should admit universals in art. It is equally an open question as to whether art is indeed a universal form of expression and communication. In what follows, we will attempt to lay

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