
Domestic Violence and Homelessness

Domestic violence is one of the primary causes of homelessness for women. Women who are financially dependent upon their violent partners often face an untenable choice: remaining in dangerous situations or becoming homeless. This choice is undeniably more difficult for women with children, for they are making decisions with consideration for their children’s safety and

Gay Male Domestic Violence

In understanding gender socialization and gay male domestic violence, it is important to recognize that domestic violence is not strictly the purview of heterosexual couples. In making the connection between gay male domestic violence and gender socialization, there are a number of important issues of which to be aware. First, in contemporary American society, ‘‘men

Domestic Violence in Popular Culture

The Social Construction of Gender The social construction of gender is central to the study of domestic violence. Ideas about gender permeate the culture in which domestic violence is staged. The identities of both victims and perpetrators are gendered. Given the hegemonic structure of gender relations, patriarchal constructions of masculinity and femininity position women and

Domestic Violence among Native Americans

The United States is a culturally diverse society, and the problem of domestic violence needs to be examined across all of its different cultures. When discussing domestic violence in relation to Native Americans, it is important to remember that only generalities can be used, as there is great diversity within this broad ethnic label. There

Domestic Violence in Rural Communities

The rural setting for domestic violence can be a stark contrast to its large-city counterpart. For instance, in the 70,665 square miles of North Dakota live just over 600,000 people, among the lakes, forests, rivers, wooded bluffs, and prairies—fewer people spread across that much territory than reside in Chicago alone. Rural areas may differ from

Violence in Schools

Violence in schools is a pressing issue with profound implications for students, educators, and communities. This article examines the prevalence, causes, consequences, prevention, and intervention strategies related to school violence. Delving into individual, family, and community factors contributing to violent behavior, it underscores the importance of fostering positive school environments and promoting mental health services.

Media Violence

In contemporary society, a wide variety of violent content is reaching children through a variety of media including television, movies, and video games. Often, exposure to violence occurs with little adult or parental supervision. Several content analyses have examined the amount and content of violence on television. These analyses have shown that as of the

Violence Risk Assessment Topics

Violence risk assessment is a decision-making task that transpires in numerous legal and clinical settings in which the possibility of a person’s future violent behavior is of concern. Common contexts in which violence risk assessment occurs include involuntary civil commitment, release from prison or forensic hospital, sentencing, transfer of youths to adult court, and sexually violent

Domestic Violence Courts

Domestic violence courts (DVCs) are specialized court settings that deal predominantly with cases involving domestic violence. They have emerged in different state, regional, and national contexts, giving rise to different operational styles and models. For example, courts may sit full or part-time and deal with different levels of offense seriousness and all or various aspects

Violence Risk Appraisal Guide

The violence risk appraisal guide (VRAG) is an actuarial instrument that assesses the risk of further violence among men or women who have already committed criminal violence. On average, it has yielded a large effect in the prediction of violent recidivism in more than three dozen separate replications, including several different countries, a wide range

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