
Visual Arts Career Field

Visual Arts Careers Background Black Iris Georgia O’Keefe’s painting Black Iris, Michelangelo’s sculpture David, and Robert Mapplethorpe’s photograph Fish, all express the diversity of the visual arts. Today, visual arts include not only the traditional fields of painting, drawing, and sculpture but also illustration, photography, filmmaking, needlework, even computer animation, as well as many others.

Visual Characteristics of Television

Television – which literally means “seeing from a distance” – has seldom been discussed by either critics or scholars primarily as a visual medium. Yet from the start, key sectors of the television industry itself were fascinated by the possibilities and potential for televisual representation. In the shadow of more “legitimate” art forms in the

Visual Culture

Visual culture is an area of study focused on practices of looking and the role of visual representations in the arts, popular and alternative media cultures, institutional and professional contexts, and everyday life. Art history, film and media studies,  cultural studies, sociology, and anthropology are some of the fields in which visual culture study is

Visual Representation

The study and conceptualization of visual representation were primarily associated with art and art history prior to the twentieth century, and drew on the analytical tools of iconology with a focus on the artist’s intention and perception. With the advent of  semiotics, followed by other theories of the visual, the twentieth century marked a broadening

Structuralism in Visual Communication

As a body of work structuralism assumes that social life and meaning are organized by a set of deep structures that frame understanding and perceptions of reality. Social meaning is the product of systematic conceptual structures through which we apprehend reality. Structuralism traces its existence to the work of Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure, who

Visual Components of News

The emergence of television news programs in the late 1940s in the US marked a major historical development in the history of journalism. Combining the broadcast auditory flow of radio with the moving images of the movie newsreels shown in the cinema, television news was able to provide the public with a new experience in

Visual Communication of Propaganda

There is no more difficult concept to clearly define than that of propaganda. Countless books and learned essays have grappled with a definition of this persuasive practice that would encompass all of its many manifestations. The difficulty in arriving at a definition that satisfies all aspects of this particular type of persuasive behavior is compounded

Visual Design of Magazine

Magazines use the aesthetic and rhetorical strategies of graphic design to produce style codes, which define the identity of the magazine as a recognizable title, and establish relationships with their audiences. The magazine combines text and image to publish news, information, editorial content, and advertising. The structural components of the printed magazine include the cover

Visual Design of Newspaper

Newspaper design refers to the process of planning, selecting, organizing and arranging the typography, photographs, illustrations, and graphics of newspapers. It also refers to the look or style of a newspaper. Newspaper design is highly conventional, so historians have noted visual features that comprise different stylistic periods. These styles are closely related to how publishers

Visual Characteristics of Advertisement

Advertisements organize typography and art (photographs, illustrations, and graphics) into designed layouts. Advertising’s visual characteristics can be described historically by analyzing their style, or functionally by analyzing their role in advertising rhetoric. Modern advertising appeared during the Industrial Revolution. In the early nineteenth century, most ads, like the goods they promoted, were locally produced. Written

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