
Jackson Vocational Interest Inventory

The Jackson Vocational Interest Inventory (commonly known as the Jackson Vocational Interest Survey or JVIS) is a standardized, normed career interest test that was first published by Douglas Jackson in 1977 after 8 years of research on vocational roles and styles. With the use of factor analytic and related multivariate techniques, Jackson created a unique

My Vocational Situation Scale

The My Vocational Situation (MVS) scale is a self-report screening tool developed for use with high school, college, and adult career counseling clients. The MVS was authored by John L. Holland, Denise Daiger, and Paul G. Power. After a 10-minute administration time, it provides information on clients’ vocational identity status, knowledge of career information, and

Journal of Vocational Behavior

The Journal of Vocational Behavior (JVB) publishes empirical, methodological, and theoretical articles that expand knowledge about vocational choice and work adjustment across the life span. Studies of vocational choice typically examine topics such as career choice; occupational interests; the relation of abilities, needs, values, interests, and personality to occupational aspirations and the career decision-making process;

Society for Vocational Psychology

The Society for Vocational Psychology is a professional organization that has as its purpose to encourage, promote, and facilitate contributions to research, teaching, practice, and public interest in vocational psychology and career intervention. The society is one of several interest groups within the Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17) of the American Psychological Association. Society

Vocational Identity

Vocational identity and career identity are related, but vocational identity as a concept extends beyond career identity. Career identity is indicative of the current career being pursued, whereas vocational identity represents an identity related to work over a long term and is more stable as one develops and becomes more confident in his or her

Vocational Rehabilitation in Mental Health

This article delves into the intricate realm of Vocational Rehabilitation in Mental Health, exploring its theoretical foundations, practical components, and current challenges and opportunities. The introduction outlines the critical linkage between mental health and employment, emphasizing the significance of Vocational Rehabilitation in fostering individuals’ well-being. The first section elucidates the theoretical frameworks underpinning Vocational Rehabilitation

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