
Leslie A. White

Leslie White was an American cultural anthropologist known for his neo-evolutionary viewpoint. White was born in Salida, Colorado, on January 19, 1900 and planned a career in the natural sciences before joining the Navy during World War I. This experience had a profound effect on him shifting his interests from the natural to the social

Timothy D. White

Timothy D. White received his PhD from the University of Michigan and concerned himself with integrative biology, physical anthropology, and human evolutionary studies. He is a man who wears many hats: He has performed many important roles relating to his profession as a highly recognized anthropologist and has made significant contributions to hominid evolution. In

White Collar Crime

The front pages of American newspapers during the months before the September 11, 2001, destruction of New York’s World Trade Center by Al-Qaeda terrorists often displayed pictures of corporate executives in very elegant business suits with handcuffs on their wrists and their arms pinioned behind their backs. They were being taken into custody or brought

White Americans

The identity of White Americans can be described along a number of dimensions. Perhaps the most basic is the statistical portrait derived from numerical data as compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau; however, a more nuanced understanding of this group emerges from consideration of their history, culture, and social location. White Americans by the Numbers

White Privilege

White privilege is the concept that European Americans benefit from specific advantages—denied to people of color—solely because of their nonminority status. These are unearned benefits derived not from merit, and these benefits are often taken for granted, if even acknowledged at all. White privilege generally refers to White, male, Anglo-Saxon, middle to upper class, heterosexual

Joseph White

Joseph L. White, born in 1932 in Lincoln, Nebraska, is a well-known African American professor, psychologist, activist, scholar, researcher, consultant, educator, and mentor who revolutionized traditional European American psychology by setting the stage and foundation for what is now known as cross-cultural psychology and multicultural counseling. White received his undergraduate and master’s degrees in psychology

White Racial Identity Development

White racial identity development (WRID) theory describes how White individuals develop a sense of themselves as racial beings, acknowledge the realities of structural racism and White privilege, and come to accept race as a healthy aspect of themselves and others. Structural racism is defined here as the policies and practices in the fabric of U.S.

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