
Withdrawal Behavior: Absenteeism

Absenteeism (alternatively, absence) is an individual’s lack of physical presence at a given location and time when there is a social expectation for that person to be there. An absence is a behavioral outcome or state rather than a behavior itself, because many different actions can make up an absence, such as lying on the

Withdrawal Behavior: Lateness

In organizational research employee lateness can be considered the orphan of behavioral outcomes. Compared with absence and turnover, the two other commonly studied withdrawal behaviors in the field, investigations of lateness and its correlates are much fewer in number; and perhaps more important, they are not anywhere as rich in theoretical explanations of the underlying

Withdrawal Behavior: Turnover

In its simplest form, turnover refers to whether an employee stays or leaves. Refinements in the measurement and definition of turnover have led researchers to consider the voluntariness, avoidability, and functionality of turnover. Voluntary turnover refers to situations in which employees have an opportunity to remain with their employer but choose to leave. Involuntary turnover

Alcohol Withdrawal and Mental Health

This article explores the intricate relationship between alcohol withdrawal and mental health within the realm of health psychology. Beginning with an overview of alcohol withdrawal and its prevalence amidst alcohol use disorders, the discussion delves into the physiological aspects, uncovering neurotransmitter imbalances, hormonal fluctuations, and cardiovascular effects. Subsequently, the psychological manifestations of alcohol withdrawal are

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