Healthy Diet for April 19 – Juicy Ideas ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Do fruit drinks have the same nourishment you expect from fruit juice?

Only “100 percent juice” means full fruit nutrition. “Juice drinks” and “juice cocktails” are diluted juice, perhaps fortified, with added sweeteners that may boost calories. That said, tart juices, such as cranberry, need a little sweetener or diluting to taste good. And “fruit drinks” are basically flavored waters that lack full fruit nutrition, even if they’re nutrient fortified.

Fruit juice—your best choice—contains its naturally present nutrients and phytonutrients. That can be a hefty amount of vitamins C and A daily. Juice with pulp has a little more fiber, but not as much as fruit itself. Fortified juice is okay, but calcium-fortified juice can’t replace all of milk’s nutrients.

For smart juice drinking:

  • Check the label. The ingredient list shows if it’s 100% juice, if it contains juice plus other ingredients, or if it’s mostly water and sweetener. Nutrition Facts give nutrition specifics in a serving.
  • Enjoy, but don’t overdo. Go easy on juice or juice drinks. Up to 12 ounces daily is probably enough, because their calories add up.
  • Watch out! Fruit-flavored drinks can’t substitute for real juice.

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