When you grocery shop, do you see “soy” everywhere? With more known about its benefits, soy has become a popular ingredient in foods, from cereals to sausages!
A few benefits? For one, about 25 grams of soy protein a day may help lower your cholesterol. Even less may lower cancer risk. What’s more, soybeans have phytoestrogens that may help protect you from hormone-related cancers (breast or prostate)—and if you’re female, from hot flashes during menopause or bone loss afterward.
It’s National Soy Foods Month! For “soy good” nutrition and flavor, reach for soy-rich foods (not just supplements).
- Enjoy soy beverages on cereal, in cooking, in smoothies. If you limit cow’s milk, get a calcium- and vitamin B -fortified soy beverage.
- Use soft and silken tofu in place of ricotta cheese in lasagna, or in place of sour cream in dips.
- Try firm tofu, tempeh, or soyburgers. Their firm texture works great in casseroles, stir-fries, soups, and stews—or any meat or poultry dish.
- Snack on soy. Try edamame (fresh soybeans shelled or in the pod), a soy snack bar, soynuts (Vi cup soynuts has 200 calories and 10 fat grams; go easy).
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