Healthy Diet for December 6 – ‘Tis the Season ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Be jolly and enjoy party food! But with all the eating and drinking that goes with entertaining, how can you avoid what may seem inevitable—seasonal weight gain?

Extra weight comes from more than partying. Fewer daylight hours and busy social schedules often make fitness routines low priority. Cookies, candy, dips, and nog—many holiday foods are calorie laden with fat and sugar. And they’re everywhere!

If you do add a pound or so of girth this holiday season, take steps to cut back in January. Otherwise the seasons add up: five Decembers, five pounds—consider how that adds up over a lifetime!

Before you party, decide how you’ll keep party calories in control.

  • Count drink calories (see November 30). They sneak up. Another option: Toast the season with sparkling water with a citrus twist.
  • Enjoy calorie-free party talk. Socialize away from the party buffet.
  • Take off the hunger edge. Before the party, nibble a low-calorie snack to quell your appetite at the buffet.
  • Take one trip to the table. Survey it first. Then choose just what you really want. Just a little taste may satisfy your curiosity.
  • Dance if there’s party music. You’ll burn calories!

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