Healthy Diet for February 2 – Your “Pearly” Whites ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Whatever your age, give your smile some attention.

Eating cheese, yogurt, or milk helps keep teeth healthy. These foods not only contain calcium and phosphorus, which may help remineralize teeth, some cheeses also increase saliva low, which helps fight cavities.

Oral health (teeth and gums) has benefits beyond appearance and speech. Proper chewing also promotes healthful eating. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy starts when you’re young.

During Dental Health Month, take time to improve a dental habit.

  • Brush and floss. Twice daily, use fluoride toothpaste and a soft toothbrush that reaches everywhere in your mouth. Floss between teeth daily, moving loss up and down, away from your gum, to remove particles and plaque that stick there.
  • Skip sips. Drink a sugary beverage all at once. Sipping drinks, sucking candies, or nibbling chips bathes your teeth with cavity-promoting sugars for up to 40 minutes after you’re done! Caution: Supersize drinks extend “sip time.”
  • Snack smart. Limit snacking to reduce exposure to cavity promoters. Any carbohydrate foods—candy, chips, crackers, cookies, or pasta—that stick to and between teeth promote cavities.
  • Make an appointment for a dental checkup and regular cleaning. Call today!

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