Healthy Diet for February 26 – Eating in the Fast-Food Lane ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Do you eat fast food at least once a week? About a third of all consumers do. That’s okay sometimes, but many fast foods deliver a lot of calories and fat, yet they often come up short on vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

The next time you head for the “fast-food lane,” try one of these seven easy ways to eat smarter:

  1. Downsize. For fewer calories and perhaps less fat, sugar, or sodium, order regular, not supersize, portions.
  2. Color your sandwich! Add tomato, lettuce, and peppers to your burgers, subs, and deli sandwiches.
  3. Mind your buns. Order your sandwich with whole-wheat bread or buns if you can.
  4. Trim the trimmings. Go easy on creamy spreads, such as mayo, tartar sauce, and special sauce. Go for catsup, mustard, or barbecue sauce instead.
  5. Stay “side” wise: Split a small order of fries or onion rings. Order a salad (light on dressing) instead; go for slaw or fruit.
  6. Sip smart. Pick your beverage for better nutrition—milk for a calcium boost, or juice instead of soda.
  7. Look for options: wraps, stir-fry bowls.

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