Do you eat fast food at least once a week? About a third of all consumers do. That’s okay sometimes, but many fast foods deliver a lot of calories and fat, yet they often come up short on vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
The next time you head for the “fast-food lane,” try one of these seven easy ways to eat smarter:
- Downsize. For fewer calories and perhaps less fat, sugar, or sodium, order regular, not supersize, portions.
- Color your sandwich! Add tomato, lettuce, and peppers to your burgers, subs, and deli sandwiches.
- Mind your buns. Order your sandwich with whole-wheat bread or buns if you can.
- Trim the trimmings. Go easy on creamy spreads, such as mayo, tartar sauce, and special sauce. Go for catsup, mustard, or barbecue sauce instead.
- Stay “side” wise: Split a small order of fries or onion rings. Order a salad (light on dressing) instead; go for slaw or fruit.
- Sip smart. Pick your beverage for better nutrition—milk for a calcium boost, or juice instead of soda.
- Look for options: wraps, stir-fry bowls.
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