Accidents happen! Each year health-promoting intentions of active living lead to serious injuries. The reason? Ignoring safety guidelines. Today get more safety savvy with your physical activities.
- Sign up for a class. Learn how to do a new sport safely.
- Carry identification. This is especially important if you have a health problem, such as diabetes.
- Wear the right shoes. Get shoes meant for your sport, with proper treads and foot support.
- Wear safety gear. Wear a helmet if you ride a bike, downhill ski, snowboard, ride a horse, in-line skate, or sled. For in-line skating and snowboarding, wear elbow pads, knee pads, wrist guards, and gloves, too.
- Wear reflectors if you run or walk at dusk or after dark; better yet, wait for daylight.
- Apply sunscreen if you’re active outdoors, even on a cold or cloudy day.
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