Healthy Diet for January 18 – All Dried Up ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Need an easy way to get your “five to nine a day” for fruits and vegetables? Reach for dried fruit. There’s lots more than raisins, dried apricots, and dried plums (prunes) on store shelves today.

Are dried fruits as nutritious as fresh? Overall, yes, except the drying process destroys a hefty amount of vitamin C (no problem if it comes from other fruit or juice). Some dried foods, such as raisins, provide more iron, too. Why? Drying concentrates minerals, as well as sugars and calories. Dried fruits tend to have plenty of fiber, too.

Sensitive to sulfites? Look for sulfite-free dried fruit.

Try “dried”—and remember that one serving is just 1/4 cup.

  • Mix up a dried snack “to go.” Mix any dried fruit with nuts, pretzels, and perhaps popcorn.
  • Sweeten with dried berries. Top salad, cooked rice, yogurt, or cereal with dried berries of all kinds.
  • Batter up. Add dried fruits to bread or cookie dough, or pancake, waffle, or muffin batter.

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