Healthy Diet for July 1 – Another Reason to Keep Trim ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

If you’re trying to keep your weight in a healthy range, or looking for another motivation to do so, consider this: We’ve long known that obesity ups the risk for heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure, as well as cancer.

Now experts say that mounting evidence suggests a link to cancer is more than poor diet and inactivity. Obesity itself—the amount of body fat—may play a role. Perhaps extra hormones, produced by body fat, encourage cell growth, more rapid cell division, and with them, perhaps, cell mutations. Or maybe it’s linked to body fat’s ability to store cancer-causing substances before they’re removed from the body.

Whatever the reason, obesity increases breast cancer risk among women and colon cancer risk among both genders, especially men. Other cancers are also associated with obesity.

Commit—or recommit—yourself to a healthy weight today. If you’re not at your healthy weight, even taking off a few pounds can make a health difference. Two slimming tips to remember:

  • Slim down your food portions.
  • Take a brisk walk today—and nearly every day.

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