Healthy Diet for March 10 – Divide and Conquer ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

When it comes to eating smart, you’ve probably heard a lot about variety, balance, and moderation. Great, but just what does a healthful meal look like? How much of what foods belong in a meal?

Visualize a healthful meal by dividing your plate into four quarters. (To avoid overeating, picture an 8-inch, not a 10-inch, plate.)

  • Fill three sections with vegetables, fruit, and rice, pasta, bread, or other grain products. (Make portions reasonable, not overflowing. Choose whole-grain foods as often as you can.)
  • Fill one section with lean meat, poultry, fish, or beans. (A meat serving is the size of a deck of cards, or 3 ounces.)
  • Add a glass of low-fat milk (or, if you’re a vegan, a calcium-fortified soy beverage).

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