Healthy Diet for March 18 – Walk a Fit Line ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Does physical activity take priority in your life? Or do busy schedules interfere? Consider this: Nearly everyone can fit walking into a lifestyle. And it pays off!

Warm up, then stretch first. Walk briskly; the faster you walk, the greater the benefits. Pump your arms. Wear good walking shoes. Bring your water bottle. Enjoy!

Now, walk your way to fitness!

  • Set a measurable goal. If it’s realistic, you won’t give up.
  • Track your progress. Drive to measure the distance, or get a pedometer to track every step. For fitness, try for at least 10,000 steps (about 3 miles) a day. (See January 30.)
  • Walk with a friend or your dog. A walking buddy and a regular routine encourage stick-to-itiveness.
  • Pick a safe, interesting route. Walk in a neighborhood with sidewalks, a shopping mall, or a nearby park.
  • Schedule walking into your lifestyle. Do it first thing before you get busy, during your lunch break, or after hours to clear your mind.
  • Reward your success. Pick something that feeds your walking habit (fitness magazine, new walking shoes, a heart rate monitor, an audiotape to enjoy as you walk).

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