Healthy Diet for March 22 – In a Food Rut? ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Are the same foods in heavy rotation at your house? Fact is, most people stick to their personal basics, planning meals around their same 10 to 15 core foods.

Eating a variety of foods is healthier, however. Why? Because each helps keep you healthy in a different way.

Defined in food terms, variety means eating many different foods (especially fruits, vegetables, and grain products) for their different nutrients, phytonutrients (plant substances), and other food sub-stances. Consider: Plant-based foods have thousands of different phytonutrients; every fruit, vegetable, and grain product has a different line-up. For meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy foods, there are plenty of nutritional differences, too!

Try one new food today when you:

  • Order from a restaurant menu. Eating out is a perfect chance to experiment.
  • Shop in your local supermarket. Check what’s new to you in the produce department, the meat and seafood counter, the freezer case, the dairy department—even the canned food aisle. Buy one new food.
  • Leaf through a cookbook. Cook an old favorite in a new way.

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