Remember when eating out was a special occasion? That’s changed!
On average, today’s American consumers eat out more than four times a week and spend more than 46 percent of their food dollars away from home. That said, eating out needs as much smart-eating attention as eating in.
When you eat out, order wisely, savor the food, enjoy the company.
- Order less: appetizers as main dishes, no extra sides, one drink, not two.
- Know where more calories lurk: creamy sauces; fried foods; high-fat extras, such as margarine, butter, sour cream; salad dressings; sugary desserts.
- Have it your way. Ask for sauce on the side, veggies without salt or butter, or grilled rather than fried fish.
- Outsmart the menu. Decide what you’ll eat when it’s served; push the rest aside, or take it home for tomorrow.
- Enjoy the flavor adventure. Try a dish with an uncommon veggie or fruit: parsnips, fennel, guava, pepino, and so on.
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