Experience ongoing joint pain, stiffness, or swelling for longer than two weeks? See your doctor. You may have arthritis; one in three American adults do. The sooner you get an accurate diagnosis (there are more than a hundred forms) and treatment, the less pain and joint damage. Caution: Despite the allure of dietary supplements, talk to your physician before taking any to treat arthritis. Scientific evidence is still lacking on their effectiveness; some may interfere with medication.
May is National Arthritis Month, a good time to take stock of how you protect against the risk or progression of this debilitating disease.
- Commit to a healthy weight. Drop a few pounds if you’re overweight. Extra weight adds extra stress to hips and knees.
- Reach for citrus. According to new research, its vitamin C may be among the antioxidants that reduce osteoarthritis risk and its progression.
- Eat smart overall. Science hasn’t yet uncovered clear links between nutrition and arthritis. But smart eating certainly won’t hurt!
- Get moving. If you already have arthritis, ask your doctor for the right range-of-motion and strengthening exercises. Try walking or aquatic exercise; neither jars your joints. Physical activity actually helps reduce pain and can increase range of movement.
- Stretch. Proper stretching after warming up helps your joints and muscles stay flexible.
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