Healthy Diet for May 26 – Get Fit with a Friend ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Need motivation to stay active? Perhaps you savor solitary workouts. Or maybe social interaction with a fitness partner is a better success strategy.

Interestingly, companionship often increases the odds of sticking with a fitness program. After all, someone’s waiting for you—and moving with you. A partner can support your fitness efforts; you’re there to reciprocate. Keeping up with someone else may add to the challenge. What’s more, being together can make physical activity a lot more fun and social. And you can keep moving while you talk.

It’s National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. Begin your fitness partnership today.

  • Find a companion: your spouse, another family member, a neighbor, or a friend.
  • Find an organized sport or activity wherever people gather for active fun, perhaps a fitness or community center, track, or cycling club.
  • Sign up for a fun run or group bike ride. Training together for the big day will keep you on track.

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