Healthy Diet for October 5 – Breast Cancer – Be Aware ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Did you know that eventually every woman is at risk for breast cancer, just by getting older? A family history of breast cancer increases the risk. In any case, if you’re a female, consider nutrition-focused strategies to lower your risk.

  • Keep a healthy weight. Gaining extra weight during adulthood, especially during pregnancy, seems to increase the risk.
  • Stay physically active. It helps prevent weight gain. Exercise may moderate estrogen levels, too. Estrogen doesn’t cause cancer, but it may stimulate cell growth.
  • Eat five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Their antioxidant properties may be cancer-protective.
  • Trim fat. Limit saturated fat and keep trans fats as low as possible without compromising good nutrition. That may lower colon and breast cancer risks.
  • Limit alcoholic drinks. For women, no more than one drink (wine, beer, or distilled spirits) daily is best. Two or more increases the risk slightly. Those with high risk should avoid alcohol altogether.

What about soy? The research link isn’t clear. Isoflavones in soy foods seem to block estrogen from promoting tumors. For women at high risk for estrogen-dependent breast cancer, just moderate amounts of soy foods are advised. But isoflavone supplements aren’t. Large doses may be harmful.

During this National Breast Cancer Awareness Month:

  • Women: Take one action to reduce your breast cancer risk today. Perhaps schedule a mammogram.
  • Men: Offer encouragement to a woman you care about. (Note: Men are at risk, too.)

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