Healthy Diet for September 23 – Kids – In Motion? ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Did you know that children spend on average 17 hours a week watching television? That leisure computer time often replaces active play? That inactive children more likely become inactive adults? That today many overweight kids already show early signs of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure?

Despite the popular interest in fitness, today’s youths are less fit than the last generation. Studies that track kids’ fitness note less strength and less endurance when running. Childhood obesity is up.

Most kids don’t engage in regular physical activity that promotes long-term health and a healthy weight. Many schools no longer require daily physical education, and few promote lifelong active living.

Now during back-to-school time, advocate for active lifestyles for kids.

  • Speak out for daily physical activity at school—at parents’ meetings, in school newsletters, and with administrators and your school board.
  • Support active after-school activities—in Scouting, Boys and Girls Clubs, sports clubs, and other community programs.
  • Encourage kids to be active at home—by limiting television and leisure computer time and by planning active family time.

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