Healthy Diet for September 9 – Cooks on the Move ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Ever think of cooking as an active sport? TV chefs are in constant motion: chopping, stirring, whisking, scrubbing, lifting—physically multitasking!

Join the kitchen team whenever you can. It takes more muscle, more motion, and more energy to prepare food from scratch than to simply pop a prepared meal into the microwave oven.

Join in some culinary athletics.

  • Knead a batch of homemade dough—great for your arm and shoulder muscles.
  • Whip egg whites, batter, and mashed potatoes by hand—good for arm muscles.
  • Tromp through farmer’s markets. Walking and carrying bags of produce are good weight-bearing activities.
  • Pick tree fruit at a local grove—great stretching, and hauling fruit to your car builds muscles.

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