Home Workout Level One: Bodyweight Exercises – Men’s Fitness – Lifestyle

home-workout-bodyweight-exercises-men-fitnessThe High Intensity Home workouts will serve two purposes. It will be for those with no desire to go to the gym and act as a backup workout for those who travel.

My favorite High Intensity technique for home workouts is static contractions. “Statics,” as we refer to them, involve no movement. You simply get into position and hold still. I’ve had many people over the years comment on the effectiveness of these exercises. Research shows that both men and women can gain up to 50 percent more strength and endurance using static contractions in less than 10 weeks.

So what are you waiting for? Hurry up and “don’t move!”image

Home Workout Level One: Bodyweight Exercises

Equipment Needed: A wall and a floor

Number of Exercises: 3

Total Workout Time: 6 minutes

Bodyparts Worked: Total Body

Frequency: 3-5 times per week

1. Single Leg Wall Sit

Muscles Worked: Legs

High Intensity Method: Static Contractions

The Set: 60 seconds for each leg for a total of 120 seconds

Description: Do the exercises in the order listed with as little rest as possible.


Basic Wall Sit

high-intensity-home-workouts-men-fitness-2Left leg crossed. Try to hold this position for 60 seconds.


high-intensity-home-workouts-men-fitness-3Right leg crossed. Your goal is 60 seconds on this side as well.

Start by getting into the wall sit position, then cross one leg up over your knee and hold. Your goal is 60 seconds for each side. If you can’t hold the position for 60 seconds on each side, write it down on your workout chart and try to break the record next time. If this exercise is too difficult for you, try the standard two leg wall sit. When you get to 90 seconds on the two leg wall sit, advance to the single leg version.

2. Alternate Leg Raise Plank

  • Muscles Worked: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Abs, Lower Back, Glutes, and Hamstrings
  • High Intensity Method: Static Contractions
  • The Set: Six 10-second static holds on each side for a total set time of 120 seconds
  • Description: Get into the plank position (the top part of a pushup)


Basic Plank Position

high-intensity-home-workouts-men-fitness-5Left leg raised, hold for 10 seconds then switch to the right leg.


high-intensity-home-workouts-men-fitness-6Right leg raised, hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 6 times on each side.

Raise one leg as shown and hold for 10 seconds, then switch sides to raise and hold the other leg for 10 seconds. Alternate for a total of 6 reps per side.

3. Alternate Arm Raise X-Plank

Muscles Worked: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Abs, Lower Back, Glutes, and Hamstrings

High Intensity Method: Static Contractions

The Set: 6-10 second static holds on each side for a total set time of 120 seconds

Description: Get into the wide X plank position (top part of a push up with wide leg stance)

The wide leg stance will give you the balance needed to raise one arm at a time.


Basic X-Plank Position

high-intensity-home-workouts-men-fitness-8Left arm raised, hold for 10 seconds, then switch to the right arm.


high-intensity-home-workouts-men-fitness-9Right arm raised, hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 6 times on each side.

Raise one arm as shown below and hold for 10 seconds. Then switch sides to raise and hold the other arm as shown for 10 seconds. Alternate for a total of 6 reps per side.

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