Do you buy into food myths? Here are three true-or-false questions to test your thinking.
- Spicy foods cause ulcers.
- Sugar causes diabetes.
- Fasting cleans the body of toxins.
All three statements are false. Surprised?
Ulcers are caused by the Heliobactor pylori bacteria. Chilies and other spices promote mucus formation that helps protect the stomach lining.
People with diabetes can’t use sugar or other carbohydrates in a normal way. The causes of diabetes are complex and linked to overweight, genetics, illness, inactivity, and just getting older.
Your liver and kidneys “detox” your body constantly. Fasting doesn’t do that; to the contrary, ketones build up when carbohydrates aren’t available for energy.
To help you sort nutrition facts from myths:
- Seek advice from qualified experts: among reliable sources, a registered dietitian (RD) or a dietetic technician, registered (DTR).
- Ready to learn more? Click on to this Web site for daily healthful eating tips:
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