
Child Abuse and Juvenile Delinquency

So much attention has been given by researchers and professionals to the critical link between child abuse and juvenile delinquency that most would assume that child abuse causes later juvenile delinquency and wonder why there is still a discussion of the issue. Early research suggested that this was a simple relationship. Widom (1989) and Smith

Child Abuse and Neglect in the United States

Child abuse and neglect continues to be a major concern in the United States. Reports of child maltreatment have increased dramatically over the last decades of the twentieth century, in part because of better reporting. During 2003, 2.9 million referrals regarding over 5 million children were made to child protective services. Approximately 30 percent of

Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence

Animal abuse or animal cruelty is a complex, multidimensional phenomenon, which only recently has come to the attention of researchers and the general public. Popular television shows such as Animal Cops and Animal Precinct have brought the problem of animal mistreatment to the general public. These shows document the work of animal welfare professionals and

Child Abuse and School Violence

Children and youth who have experienced abuse are at risk for subsequent victimization. Additionally, those who have experienced abuse at home are more likely to become perpetrators of violent crime. A number of forms of child abuse exist, including verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, negligence, and maltreatment. Although it is sometimes difficult to clearly

Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.)

The Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program was founded in Los Angeles in 1983. In this program, a trained police officer leads a series of classroom lessons for children in kindergarten through 12th grade about the dangers of illicit drugs, ways to resist peer pressure, and strategies to live a drug-free life. D.A.R.E. has been

Child Abuse

Child maltreatment has occurred throughout history and across cultures. Anthropology’s cross-cultural approach has contributed to efforts to define and explain aggressive or inadequate treatment of children. Child maltreatment was brought to public and professional attention when it was identified in the medical and social work literature in the United States and Europe during the 1960s

Alcohol Abuse in Sport

Hazardous alcohol use is a significant health problem that affects many people. In the United States, almost 10% of the population will meet past-year diagnostic criteria for either alcohol abuse or alcohol  dependence,  with  the  highest  rates  occurring among  college  students  and  other  young  adults. Alcohol use disorders co-occur with mental health problems   like   depression,  

CBT in Substance Abuse Treatment

The article explores the pivotal role of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in the treatment of substance abuse within the context of health psychology. Beginning with an introduction to the prevalence of substance abuse as a major health concern, the article emphasizes the need for effective interventions, introducing CBT as a prominent therapeutic approach. The theoretical foundation

Substance Abuse and Dependence

Substance abuse and dependence are complex problems that are often encountered in a counseling practice. Substance abuse and dependence have been defined as disorders that affect the mind, the body, and the spirit. This entry summarizes the background, definitions of the clinical problem, levels of care and counseling modalities, components of counseling and clinical approaches

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse remains a pervasive and complex issue with far-reaching consequences in society. This comprehensive article delves into the multifaceted aspects of substance abuse, including its prevalence, etiology, psychological and behavioral underpinnings, assessment and diagnosis, treatment and intervention strategies, prevention efforts, and legal and ethical considerations. Drawing on current research and evolving trends, it highlights

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