
Interaction Adaptation Theory

In interpersonal encounters, people are usually responsive and adaptive to others. Their gestures, voices, and words take on the quality of a dance as they mesh with one another to create a coordinated interaction. Interaction adaptation theory (IAT; Burgoon et al. 1995b) predicts and explains how, when, and why people adapt to another’s verbal and

Adaptation in Sport – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

The term adaptation has been integrated within the sport psychology literature, from as early as 1986. Initially mentioned in relation to elite athlete retirement,  adaptation  is  a  broad  term  associated  with monumental  change  in  the  athlete’s  life.  People experience stress in their lives, and at certain times stress  reaches  a  threshold,  after  which  one  must

Biological Adaptation

Adaptation has a diversity of meanings, even within areas in which it is widely used, such as anthropology, biology, the humanities, and in common parlance. The study of adaptations is a central activity in biology, where interpretations of the concept have received much scrutiny in recent years, for example, in the articles and monographs of

Cultural Adaptation

Cultural adaptation is a relatively new concept used to define the specific capacity of human beings and human societies to overcome changes of their natural and social environment by modifications to their culture. The scale of culture changes depends on the extent of habitat changes and could vary from slight modifications in livelihood systems (productive

Psychosocial Adaptation to Dialysis

This article explores the intricate interplay between psychosocial adaptation and the challenging realm of dialysis within the domain of health psychology. Following an introduction delineating the concept of psychosocial adaptation and its significance in health psychology, the discussion delves into the psychological challenges faced by individuals undergoing dialysis. These challenges encompass emotional responses such as

Adaptation in Sport

The term adaptation has been integrated within the sport psychology literature, from as early as 1986. Initially mentioned in relation to elite athlete retirement,  adaptation  is  a  broad  term  associated  with monumental  change  in  the  athlete’s  life.  People experience stress in their lives, and at certain times stress  reaches  a  threshold,  after  which  one  must

Cross-Cultural Test Adaptation

In one early cross-cultural study, Porteus administered tests of cognitive abilities to members of various cultural populations around the world. The test he relied on most consisted of mazes drawn on paper. On the basis of the distributions of the test scores, Porteus (1937) made comparative statements about the intelligence of such groups as Bushmen


The term adaptation originally derives from the biological sciences as a phenomenon of person-environment fit. In psychology, adaptation is a process by which individuals or groups make necessary or desired changes—cognitive, behavioral, and affective—in response to new environmental conditions or demands in order to meet basic needs, function, and maintain a good quality of life.

Adaptation in Cognitive Development

Adaptation takes place simultaneously, and in many ways, it is a complementary process to organization. Like organization, adaptation is a process that has its theoretical roots in biology, which also reflects Piaget’s early training as a biologist. Adaptation is the individual’s adjustment to the environment. The plant and animal kingdom abound with examples of adaptation

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