
Social-Emotional Assessment

Social-emotional assessment in school psychology plays a pivotal role in fostering students’ emotional well-being, interpersonal skills, and overall development. This comprehensive article delves into the multifaceted domain of social-emotional assessment, emphasizing its significance in educational contexts. Beginning with an exploration of its historical evolution and theoretical underpinnings, we delve into the various methods and tools

Sociometric Assessment

Sociometric assessment plays a crucial role in understanding and fostering social dynamics in educational settings. This article delves into the world of sociometric assessment in school psychology, exploring its significance, historical evolution, and theoretical foundations. It discusses the methods and tools used for sociometric assessment, ethical considerations, and the various applications and benefits of this

Suicide Assessment Manual for Inmates

The Suicide Assessment Manual for Inmates (SAMI) is a new instrument designed to assess risk for suicide attempts among individuals admitted to a pretrial remand center or jail. The SAMI is a 20-item clinical checklist of risk factors derived from the suicide research literature. Initial research on the SAMI has focused on its factor structure

Suicide Assessment and Prevention

Prisoner suicide assessment and prevention is an area of active research and clinical involvement. Indeed, it is an important component of the forensic psychologist’s clinical responsibilities due to the disproportionately high incidence of prison suicide as compared with the general population. This high incidence is a consistent phenomenon across countries. In some countries, this translates

Risk Assessment and Violence Prediction

Another topic related to psychopathy and central to clinical forensic psychology is risk assessment. Risk assessment was more commonly referred to as violence prediction because the primary focus for forensic psychologists was predicting whether a particular person would become violent. However, risk assessment is not simply about making a forced choice about whether a particular

Danger Assessment Instrument

The Danger Assessment Instrument (DA), in its current form, is a 20-item actuarial test designed to assess the risk of serious or lethal intimate partner violence. It is intended for use with adult women who have suffered physical abuse at the hands of men who are their current or former intimate partners. Although originally developed

HCR-20 Violence Risk Assessment Scheme

The HCR-20 Violence Risk Assessment Scheme is a 20-item violence risk assessment tool, accompanied by a 97-page user’s manual. It is intended to structure clinical decisions about the risk for violence posed by adult forensic psychiatric patients, civil psychiatric patients, and criminal offenders (whether mentally disordered or not). The HCR-20 is relevant to the field

Jail Screening Assessment Tool

The Jail Screening Assessment Tool (JSAT) is a screening tool developed for the purpose of identifying mentally disordered offenders in jails and prisons. The JSAT is administered by a mental health professional during a brief interview. Initial studies support the JSAT’s validity and use as an effective screening device to identify inmates’ mental health needs.

Risk Assessment Approaches

Violence risk assessment is relevant to the field of law and psychology because it occurs at numerous junctures in the legal system, and it is one of the key areas of research and clinical practice in forensic psychology. This entry reviews two primary approaches to risk assessment: unstructured and structured. The former approach, sometimes also

Sex Offender Assessment

Although clinical psychological assessment is generally expected to be specific to particular interventions with demonstrated efficacy, there is insufficient empirical evidence on which to prescribe clinical assessment practice with sex offenders. The best strategy is to examine interventions that target personal and circumstantial characteristics empirically related to commission of sex offenses or to recidivism among

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